Prime Books: 31 Days of Halloween – Day 23

When looking for idea for this…probably ridiculous-to-start-with “31 Days of Halloween” idea…a son reminded me of how he used to love reading joke books and how Halloween had especially funny jokes…if you are seven or eight. Still, Halloween is for all ages, so we (not so proudly) present some seasonal laughs, snickers, giggles, and titters:

Q: How do monsters tell their future?
A: They read their horrorscope.

Q: Why do vampires need mouthwash?
A: They have bat breath.

Q: Where do vampires keep their money?
A: The blood bank

Q: What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?
A: Spelling

Q: How do you know a zombie is tired?
A: He’s dead on his feet.

Q: What instrument does a skeleton play?
A: Trombone.

Q; What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
A: Frostbite.

Q: What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?
A: He is mist.

Q: Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
A: Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend.
