Library Journal Review: When the Great Days Come, Gardener Dozois

Library Journal (08/01/2011):
When the Great Days Come, Gardener Dozois

Whether a tale involving the repercussions of an American history that does not include Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox (“Counterfactual”) or a reflection on the past century in the persona of an old man faced with the possibility of recapturing his youth by transferring his consciousness to a machine (“Knight of Ghosts and Shadows”), the 18 stories in this collection span nearly five decades, from 1971 to 2010, and illustrate the author’s breadth of knowledge and storytelling mastery. Known primarily as an editor (“The Year’s Best Science Fiction”, Vols. 1–28; “Nebula Awards Showcase 2006”), Dozois is also an author of short stories, novels, and nonfiction. VERDICT These elegant and eclectic stories should delight sf readers of every persuasion.