…and more news…

A product page has been added for Robots: The Recent AI, edited by Sean Wallace, our February release.

From Karel Čapek’s biotech machines of R.U.R….to Henry Kuttner & C.L. Moore’s “The Proud Robot”…to Isaac Asimov’s positronic robots…to the many stories, films, cartoons, and games that have come since featuring cybertronic sex toys, robotic rebels, grandmothers with artificial intelligence, automatons, bots, droids, and so many other variations—these machines have represented our dreams as well as our anxieties. We love these literary creations but fear them as well. Stories from the last decade by top science fiction authors representing the many facets of robots in the twenty-first century: beautiful, hideous, and everything in between. (We’ll have a complete content list soon!)