A collection of short fiction by Yoon Ha Lee
With an introduction by Aliette de Bodard
There is no such thing as conservation of shadows. When light destroys shadows, darkness does not gain in density elsewhere. When shadows steal over earth and across the sky, darkness is not diluted.
In this debut collection of short fiction from one of science fiction and fantasy’s most notable new writers, Yoon Ha Lee often integrates tropes of science fiction with elements of myth to create tales that are both wonderfully fresh and deeply ancient. No matter what the theme, her wide variety of stories are strikingly original and always indelible.
Yoon Ha Lee is an award-nominated Korean-American writer who majored in math and finds it a source of continual delight that math can be mined for science fiction and fantasy story ideas. Her stories have appeared in such publications as Clarkesworld, Tor.com, Lightspeed, The Year’s Best Science Fiction, The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy, The Year’s Best Dark Fanasy and Horror, and other venues. Lee has written for Alderac Entertainment Group’s roleplaying game/collectible card game Legend of the Five Rings and recently authored the browser-based StoryNexus game Winterstrike. She lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with her husband and daughter.
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