Cover & Page for Yamada Monogatori: Demon Hunter

We now have the information page up for Richard Parks’ Yamada Monogatori: Demon Hunter and here is the cover…

(Click cover for larger image.)

Publishers Weekly reviews Season of Wonder

“This satisfying reprint anthology of winter-holiday-themed SF and fantasy avoids syrupy sweetness, instead evoking an older, bittersweet tradition of the cycle of death and rebirth.”

Read the whole interview here!

Prime Books Welcomes Steve Berman

Prime Books is pleased to announce acquisition of four anthologies from editor Steve Berman. All are a mix of original and reprinted stories. Bad Seeds: Evil Progeny (for publication July 2013) features treacherous tykes and wicked children who lead adults into the direst danger. Shades of Blue and Gray: Ghosts of the Civil War (for publication August 2013) relates tales of the supernatural based in the bloodiest war and most divisive era of U.S. history. Zombies: Shambling Through the Ages (for publication August 2013) demonstrates that zombies have been with us since ancient times with thrilling stories of carnage and mayhem from throughout history. Handsome Devil: Tales of Sin and Seduction highlights Lucifer’s role as the beautiful trickster who steals hearts as well as souls. It will be published in 2014.

A Real Galley Cat

Nala, Asst. Editor
This is Nala “working” on a galley proof. It was a neat pile of proof pages on the floor next to my chair. My assistant editor decided it was a threat to my safety and attacked. Or maybe she has decided to become a paper shredder…

E-book Giveaway for Rock On

Over on our Twitter page, we’re holding an ebook giveaway for Rock On, edited by Paula Guran. All you have to do is, sometime between today and October 23rd, tweet at us your favorite concert you’ve ever attended. One name at random will be selected to receive the ebook, so if you love rock n’roll fiction (or know someone who does) this is a great opportunity!

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