Readers who enjoyed the hotly anticipated The Night Circus and want more may look to Mechanique for something similar. Some of the themes are the same, like a mysterious circus that has strange powers, but the overall tones are completely different. While there were some dark moments in The Night Circus, the overall feeling was that the magic was whimsical and was a beautiful thing. The magic in Mechanique is never fully explained and at times it seems to be a cruel thing to use, especially after seeing how it affects those who decide to “take the bones” and travel with the circus…the characters are fascinating and make the reader want to learn more about their mysterious pasts.
Review of MECHANIQUEPaula Guran | Oct 13, 2011 in NewsPrime Books: 31 Days of Halloween – Day 12Paula Guran | Oct 13, 2011 in NewsSince we announced our witch anthology we might as well give you a witchy treat: “The Witch” from Andrew Lang’s Yellow Fairy Book (1894) with illustrations by Henry Justice Ford. It’s a Russian tale. I first read the Yellow Fairy Book a very long time ago, but I recall liking this story very much for two reasons. First, the witch’s cat is the hero and, second, the “magic” articles the cat gives the children to aid in their escape made sense to me for some reason: a handkerchief that turns into a broad river and a comb into a dense forest. And since the cat is the story is gray, here’s my favorite gray cat (and latest addition to my family), Nala. …and yet more news…Paula Guran | Oct 12, 2011 in NewsAnother product page for Witches: Wicked, Wild & Wonderful edited by Paula Guran including the contents… Content (alphabetically by author): …and more news…Paula Guran | Oct 12, 2011 in News
From Karel Čapek’s biotech machines of R.U.R….to Henry Kuttner & C.L. Moore’s “The Proud Robot”…to Isaac Asimov’s positronic robots…to the many stories, films, cartoons, and games that have come since featuring cybertronic sex toys, robotic rebels, grandmothers with artificial intelligence, automatons, bots, droids, and so many other variations—these machines have represented our dreams as well as our anxieties. We love these literary creations but fear them as well. Stories from the last decade by top science fiction authors representing the many facets of robots in the twenty-first century: beautiful, hideous, and everything in between. (We’ll have a complete content list soon!) We’ll get back to Halloween…first, some news…Paula Guran | Oct 12, 2011 in News We are estimating it at 768 pages and I forget the trim size, but larger than 6″X9″. The author is revising the novels, so this will be *the* edition. We’ll also have them in ebook-format for the first time ever. No cover yet, but we promise it will look nothing like this cover to the right — no guys with mullets!