Early Ebook Release for THE MEMORY OF SKY

memoryofsky-200Robert Reed’s The Memory of Sky: A Great Ship Trilogy is also now available in ebook (with print to follow in March).

Tired of waiting a year or five for the next installment of a series? This time you don’t have to! We’ve packaged all three of his new novels set in his popular Great Ship universe—over 235,000 words—in one fantastic volume.

The Memory of Sky: A Great Ship Trilogy
Book 1: Diamond
Book 2: Corona’s Children
Book 3: The Great Day

Diamond: a small weak child, a fragile little shadow of an odd boy sure to die any time…who proves to be anything but. An epic story begins when he steps into the world his parents have so carefully kept him from, a world where gigantic trees each house thousands of humans…and another human species, the papio, live on a great coral reef. Much of civilization’s needs are provided by the coronas, strange huge beasts that—for reasons unknown—float into the human world only to be slain for the riches they provide.

But Diamond, in Corona’s Children, becomes an irresistible prize. A human who isn’t quite human, a blessing…or a curse…who holds the promise to remake one species and, perhaps, all of the Creation. As with anything of great value to so many, conflict arises. With conflict comes drastic change—but no one is prepared for what that conflict ultimately brings or what will happen in the final book, The Great Day.