Look for the Prime Books table in the dealers room, otherwise here’s my schedule:
Friday July 13
11:00 AM ME The Year in Short Fiction. Ellen Datlow (leader), Paula Guran, Richard Bowes. We will discuss the speculative short fiction published since last Readercon.
1:00 PM CL Kaffeeklatsch.
4:00 PM F Wet Dreams and Nightmares. Samuel R. Delany, Gemma Files, Paula Guran (leader), Caitlín R. Kiernan, Sonya Taaffe. Writers such as Caitlín R. Kiernan, M. Christian, Cecilia Tan, and Paula Guran are well known in both speculative fiction and erotic fiction circles for creating what Kiernan calls “weird and transgressive” erotica. How does this subgenre use the tools and tropes of horror and dark fantasy to explore taboo aspects of sexuality and gender? How has it changed over the decades as sexual culture has evolved? And as the romance genre becomes more welcoming of both the erotic and the undead, how will weird erotica maintain its identity as something separate from paranormal porn?