Prime Books: 31 Days of Halloween – DAY 1

We are starting our fall festival of fun and fear today: thirty-one days of treats, features, surprises, facts (and maybe a trick or two) to celebrate not only our new and obviously seasonal anthology HALLOWEEN, edited by Paula Guran but the new and equally appropriate CREATURES: THIRTY YEARS OF MONSTERS, edited by John Langan & Paul Tremblay.

And, if you are already signed up for our mail list or join in the next thirty days, you will have a chance to win FREE PRIME BOOKS! No trick, all treats. We’ll randomly draw some eddresses and those lucky readers will win!

Sign up for the RSS feed and you won’t miss a single one of our 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN.

Today’s featured “treat”?

Learn about the history of Halloween and more and read (free!) the Introduction to our anthology Halloween!