Year’s Best Interview #15: Lavie Tidhar on “The Smell of Orange Groves”

“The Smell of Orange Groves” by Lavie Tidhar will be appearing in Prime’s forthcoming Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy: 2012 edited by Rich HortonT.J. McIntyre interviews him on the story.

I noticed connections in this story to other stories of yours as far as the setting goes, like Cloud Permutations, for example. For those who would like to read more of your stories in this setting, where should they look. Do you have any other upcoming works set in this same world you would like to mention?

Most of my science fiction stories take place in a sort of shared universe / future history, including, as you mentioned, my novella Cloud Permutations and my forthcoming novel from PS Publishing, Martian Sands.

“The Smell of Orange Groves”, however, takes place within a cycle of short stories all set in the Central Station area of Tel Aviv, somewhere in the future. A couple of others have also been published, and I hope, once I’m done with them, to publish them together as a mosaic novel.

MORE: Read the rest of the interview here!