“The Silver Wind” by Nina Allan will be appearing in Prime’s forthcoming Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy: 2012 edited by Rich Horton. Erin Stocks interviews her on the story.
Many of your short stories are set in London. What does London hold that makes it such a fruitful setting for you?
I was born in London, and I feel an enormous emotional attachment to that city. People often talk about the lonely anonymity of the big city, but for me London has always been a warm place, a place of sanctuary, the place where I feel most at home. I am inspired by London because of its variousness, its creativity, its independent spirit. London presents an infinity of ideas, of histories, of stories. It has room for everybody, and everything. I find it impossible to walk around London without wanting to write about it, and whenever I do that I come back to the feeling that it’s a place where anything could happen. I never grow tired of it.